Comic Pulls 9/24

Ah shit, this is a big MARVEL week. And good stuff too!

  • Ultimate Spider-Man 126 I cannot wait for this book. You’ve all heard my mass amounts of praise.
  • New Avengers 45 More Skrull-tastic cross overs!
  • Runaways 2 Admittedly, I still haven’t read the first issue. But I’m a Ramos fan, so I’ll keep picking it up.
  • Ultimates 3 #5 This lackluster series finally wraps up.
  • Deadpool #2 Arsebot is excited for this one.
  • Daredevil 111 Once again, Arsebot is excited for this one. Lady Bullseye!
  • Marvel 1985 #5 I missed the boat on this book. I’m sure I’ll support the TPB when it comes out.
  • My Name is Bruce Bruce Campbell is God. That is all.