Comic Pulls 4/2

There are a lot of great comics coming in this week. It made it difficult for me to pick the one I was most excited for. As you can tell by the imagery above, I chose Secret Invasion #1 for the Pick of the Week. This mini series could really suck balls, or it could be an awesome RESET button for MARVEL. With Bendis and Yu teaming up for it, I’d say there’s a good chance it won’t suck.

The Honorable Mentions this week are as follows:
Kickass#2 and Kickas#1 Reprint:
Swank-mo-tron did an excellent review of this book here. It got optioned for a movie already, so it can’t be half bad.

Logan #2
I reviewed this book here. Personally I can’t wait for this one either. I’m going to have to make sure and show up early and get the black and white version as well.

American Splendor Season Two #1
Harvey Pekar returns to this great series. You can read a sneak peak here.

Walking Dead #48
Need I say more?