COMIC-CON: How to Get News Coverage Panel

I will be representing Big Shiny Robot! on our very first panel appearance at San Diego Comic-Con.

Here are the details and we hope to see you there!

If you’ve wondered what it takes to get your project covered by Scoop or any of the other industry news sites, and you’re going to be attending Comic-Con International: San Diego, give some thought to stopping by the “How to Get News Coverage” onThursday, July 12, 2012 from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM in Room 8 at the San Diego Convention Center. What makes the difference between an item that will get news coverage, previews, interviews and one that doesn’t?

A lot of publishers have no idea what to submit to the press, how to submit it and why they are being overlooked for coverage. Comic Journalist Rik Offenberger (First Comics News, Archie Comics) moderates this panel on just what it takes to get coverage with the Comic Journalists themselves telling you what they are looking for in your submission. Panelists include Alan Kistler (Comic Mix, Newsarama), Chris Thompson (First Comics News). Bryan Young, (Huffington Post, Big Shiny Robot), Dan Manser (Diamond), Heidi McDonald (The Beat), Holly Golightly (BroadSword Studios), Rich Johnston (Bleeding Cool), Kiel Phegley(Comic Book Resources), J.C. Vaughn (Scoop), Josh Waldrop (M1W Entertainment), and Matt Moore (Associated Press). Find out what it takes to self-promote and make a significant impact on your ability to sell your comic project.

Androidika and I will be there, covering as much of the convention as the two of us can. He’ll be staying primarily in Hall H, giving up to the minute updates. I’ll be covering as much of the rest as I can. GONK will also be there, but what he’s covering remains a mystery to me.

If there’s anything specific you’d like us to cover, or if you’ll be there and would like to be a deputized Robot, feel free to drop me a line. (Editor at