COMIC-CON: Clone Wars – Part 2: The Story


Over at the Examiner, I was able to elaborate in pretty lengthy detail about what it was that I saw pertaining to the story of the next season of Clone Wars at this years San Diego Comic-Con.

Here’s a taste of the article, but you can read the full thing here:

Yesterday we took a look at what was revealed in the behind the scenes of Clone Wars in Season Two, and we also got to look at the Comic-Con trailer of the whole season as well.

Today we’re going to look at the tidbits of information dropped across all three Clone Wars panels I was able to attend and try to put together some ideas about what it is we’re looking at getting into for the next season.

First off, for all of the banners and marketing material passed around there was a definite theme.  Most of it was marked with the phrase “Rise of the Bounty Hunters”.  We’re going to be seeing a lot more action with Bounty Hunters, principally Cad Bane, who was introduced in the last episode of Season One.  We’ll also be seeing a lot more of Aurra Sing, the white skinned near human female from Nar Shadda who first appeared briefly during the podrace in the criminally underrated Star Wars prequel The Phantom Menace. Bossk, the Trandoshan Wookiee hunter glimpsed in The Empire Strikes Back, will also be making more appearances in season two as well.  I got to interview Dee Bradley Baker (the voice of all the Clones on the show) on camera (I’ll have it posted this week sometimes) and he revealed that he would be voicing one of the Bounty Hunters in this next season.  When asked which one, he responded coyly.  When I speculated that it could be Bossk, he got a sly grin on his face and said that he couldn’t comment, but that it was a very keen guess.

Want to know more about Obi-Wan’s former love interest?  The planets we’ll be visiting?  Where Anakin and Obi-Wan are heading as the Season starts?  Then read the full article over at The Examiner.