COMIC-CON: Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man Speech

Seen in the above video taking the first spot in the Q&A for the Amazing Spider-Man panel. Andrew Garfield gives a wonderful speech on why he loves Spider-Man, and is honored to play him. This deep connection to the character really makes me more excited for the film. The character Spider-Man means a lot to me, not just because of his quips while he’s fighting, or the great rogue gallery. Instead of me trying to reword it, let me just quote Andrew:

And I think that we all wish we had the courage to stick up for ourselves more, to stick up for a loved one more, or even a stranger you see being mistreated, and Peter Parker has inspired me to feel stronger. He made me, Andrew, braver. He reassured me that by doing the right thing, it’s worth it. It’s worth the struggle, it’s worth the pain, it’s worth even the tears, the bruises, and the blood.

Spider-Man does the right thing when it’s not the popular or easy thing to do. He stands up for those who can’t. He is a character that constantly has the weight of the world on his shoulders, but always finds a way to push through it. And Andrew totally seems to channel that. Hopefully it comes through on screen.

Source: NYMag’s Vulture