Captain America: The First Avenger trailer!!!!

My first impressions? Wow. Just wow.

What’s right: Great explanation for most of the “civillians” who are only vaguely aware of Cap of where he came from. Perfectly gives the period feel and vibe. Lots of art deco inspired technology and 40’s period costume design.

What’s better: the inordinate amount of ass-kicking this manages to stuff into a short trailer. When Cap and the commandos break through the door and he’s firing his pistol. . . omgomgomg! Throwing his shield. The fast-to-slow Zach-Snyder-esque action of hard melee hits. The glimpses into side characters: Bucky, Howard Stark! (who also gets a name check) and Tommy Lee Jones. There’s a nascent movement to recruit Tommy Lee Jones to run for Senate in Texas to replace the retiring Kay Bailey Hutchsion.  After seeing this? Yeah, let’s do it.

What’s not as good: typical trailer fare: cuts that move too quickly between action pieces so it’s hard to figure out what’s going on in order to imply action, the hero shows self doubt and then is reassured, a character voice-over explains the plot.  But really no major problems!

The suit looks good. Everything looks both organic and cool.

Bitching points: I wanted to see more HYDRA and Red Skull. Oh well.

But what say you robots? Get crazy in the comments section and let’s start predicting, right now based on trailer vs trailer: Thor? or Cap? I’m firmly on team Steve Rogers right now. Gonna go watch it again……

UPDATE: I found a better quality version of the trailer (in HD)! This trailer really deserves it, so enjoy! –Shaz-Bot