Babes In Toyland and Dick Tracy on Blu-ray

I’ve got two upcoming Blu-ray announcements for you, and I think most geeks will be tuned into these films.

First is Babes in Toyland. It’s an old Disney film starring Annette Funicello and Tommy Kirk (who I always confused as a kid with Wil Wheaton because I didn’t understand release dates as well as I do know.) It’s one of the few Christmas films I can stomach and had all of those classic late 50s early 60s hallmarks of fantasy films. The technicolor was vibrant, the effects hokey but imaginative… And it had that mark of Walt Disney.

I’m actually really excited to get my hands on it and see if it lives up to my childhood memories. Always a risky proposition, I know, but I think I want to risk it this time.

Babes in Toyland comes out just in time for Christmas on December 11. It’s not yet available to pre-order on Amazon.

The other might be my favorite film of 1990.

Warren Beatty’s underrated comic book film Dick Tracy is coming out on Blu-ray. This is a movie I already revisit quite often, it’s one of my favorite comic book movies, hands down. And I can’t wait to see how vibrant the four-color brilliance of this film is in a nice, sharp Blu-ray transfer. Anyone who didn’t like this movie doesn’t know what they’re missing. And who could forget the best movie Charlie Korsmo was ever in?

Dick Tracy also hits Blu-ray on December 11. This is your best bet for a stocking stuffer to any lady or gentleman on your x-mas list with discerning taste. You can preorder it on Amazon now.