UPDATED: Andrew Garfield as Spidey!

Update #1: Click the picture for awesome high-res!

Update #2: The astute folks over at JoBlo must have had their looking glasses on because they may have found something interesting. On the high-res picture, if you look at Peter’s left wrist, there appears to be something there – an artificial web-shooter perhaps? Could Marc Webb be moving away from the organic web-shooters for his film? Honestly, I didn’t mind the organic webs Raimi introduced, but having a limited about of webbing could add a new dimension on how Spidey uses it in this film – not to mention it is just a little more accurate on to the comics. How would you guys feel if Webb moved to the more “traditional” artifical webs?

Additionally, I’m surprised by the mix of thoughts people have about the costume! Great discussions about the pros and cons! Personally, I like the look of it – but I also think this may not be a truly fair representation of the costume. It certainly looks like Peter may have just had his ass handed to him (scratch marks on his face and chest, mud/water on his waist). I’m sure at some point in the coming weeks we may get a glimpse of a “clean” costume – after all, Sony most likey released this to jump the gun before someone else leaked a picture once they start doing costumed filming very soon, so we could see some other pictures sooner than you may think! In any case, keep debating away on your own thoughts on the costume!

Original: Finally! A picture for Andrew Garfield in Spider-Man garb! New costume! New actor! GEEK SQUEE!

The costume is definitely different from Raimi’s version, but I am kind of digging it. Also, Garfield looks great as Peter Parker. What do you all think of the new costume and Garfield? Share in the comments below!