Aaron Johnson “Locked-In” For Cyclops in ‘X-Men: First Class’

If you remember, a while back some photos were taken of Kick-Ass star, Aaron Johnson, having lunch with Kick-Ass and X-Men: Frist Class director, Matthew Vaughn and his new Professor Xavier, James McAvoy. Of course, speculation began to fly that this was more than just a “lunch with friends” and that it was more likely they were discussing a possible role for Johnson in Vaughn’s X-Men outting; of course, the top name flying around the interwebs was Cyclops.

Well, today, AICN is reporting they are confident that Aaron Johnson with play Cyclops in the upcoming X-Movie. Apparently, they got a tip off from a reader who is somehow involved with the movie who told them this:

I work in the [REDACTED] and we heard today that Matthew Vaughn found his young Cyclops and it shouldn’t be any surprise because he worked with him before. It’s Aaron Johnson. This is one hundred percent locked at this point. Thought you guys should know.

According to Quint over at AICN, he has reached out to his contact at the studio who has confirmed the same.

So, barring any official word from FOX denying this claim, it looks like we have our new Cyclops!

I for one think Johnson is a pretty talented actor and enjoyed him in Kick-Ass. It will be quite the change to see him go from fumbling wannabe superhero to the hard-headed, confident leader of the X-Men – but I have no doubt in his ability to pull this off. I still have a lot of reservations about another X-Men movie under the FOX tent, but I am trying my best to remain cautiously optimistic.

So, Aaron Johnson = Cyclops! What do you think!?

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