’11 O’Clock Comics’ has a Crystal Ball

The longtime podcasters from 11 O’clock Comics had an interesting discussion TWO YEARS AGO about digital comics and how it might effect the prices of their paper counterparts. I recently re listened to episode 29 from November 06, 2008 and was surprised at the accuracy of a prediction by Jason Wood. Maybe I shouldn’t be that shocked as Wood’s twitter profile reads “Techie, blogger, investor, comic book nerd, podcaster” and his blog is chock full of financial ponderings. I don’t want to quote what he said and take it out of context so listen to the podcast and tell me what you think. To be fair all of the participants have some good insight, Wood just seemed to predict this months price drop referring to Marvel comics.

Here is their description of the episode:

Things get a bit serious as we ponder the price of monthly periodicals, hardcovers, digital comics, Terra #1, Agents of Atlas, G.I. Joe #0 from IDW, advertising in comics, Smallville, paper quality, Terry Moore’s Runaways and Echo, Freak Angels, Alan Davis’ Thor: Proof of History, Warren Ellis and Avatar, the effect of the election on comics, Final Crisis: Resist, Submit, and Rage of the Red Lanterns, Watching the Watchmen, the Adventure Comics Special featuring the Guardian, X-Men/Spider-Man #1, Jeff Lemire, Ghost Talker’s Daydream volume two and coffee enemas (Okay, maybe not so serious, after all…), and a whole mess more! Plus, another hit on the Hotline!

Check out their blog and listen to the podcasts where they literally get drunk and talk about comic books.