REVIEW: Matty Collector’s 12″ Peter Venkman

I have a love-hate relationship with Matty Collectors. On the one hand, I’m stoked to finally have some movie likeness figures coming out. But on the other hand, I feel like Matty needs to get their freakin’ game tight. For whatever reason, whenever a new Ghostbusters figure comes out on their site, they also release toys from some of the other lines. Because of this, their site is completely overloaded and any transaction is occurring at a snail’s pace. At this point you’d think they would have upgraded their web hosting to help accommodate all this traffic.

If this wasn’t frustrating enough, their figures haven’t always shown up in the best shape. My 12″ Egon had some parts busted off the pack that needed to be super glued. And now Peter suffers from having the sides of his head squished during packaging. Seriously. The generic reply from Matty Collector is basically fix it yourself or send it back for a refund.

Let’s move onto the figure itself. I was super excited to start collecting these guys, and now three in… I’m still just as excited.

Let’s go over some of the pros:
• Super accurate pack that lights up.
• Gorgeous ghost trap with spring loaded doors.
• Flight suit is as accurate as can be, from the patches to the key fobs on the belt.
• Extra nerdy accuracy: Venkmans flight suit is untucked as opposed to the other ‘busters.
• Multiple hands to swap out.
• Awesome poses in the package for those afraid to devirginize their figures.
• Fairly low price point at $60 (plus ridiculously fast shipping).

Now for the cons:
• The head sculpts are good, but they aren’t great. Hot Toys puts Matty to shame in this regard.
• These guys have a hard time standing up, kinda wish they came with a stand of sorts.
• Venkman’s exclusive accessory are folded up gloves for the belt. Kinda lame compared to Egon’s PKE meter and Ray’s Ecto Goggles.

All in all I love these figures. I’ll do a review of the 6″ ones in a little bit, they aren’t quite as over the top awesome as the 12″ line. A lot of it boils down to you getting what you paid for. At $60 these are pretty awesome. Hot Toys figures blows them away, but they’re also between $150 and $200. I highly recommend picking these guys up… sadly… they are currently sold out.

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