Master Replica Drops Ghostbusters License

Master Replica announced that it was dropping the Ghostbusters props, well after the prototypes had been made and shot for advertising.

As a fan, I wish I could reassure everyone that GB is still on for MR. Unfortunately, it is with deep regret that MR has decided to cancel the plans we had with Sony for Ghostbusters. While I cannot get into specifics, I can tell you on a personal level that we cannot afford to give Ghostbusters prop replicas the justice and treatment they deserve and I apologize for any frustration or disappointment this will cause any fans. Rather than hold on to the license and wait for what seemed inevitable, we’ve decided to make the announcement today. Thank you for your understanding.

I know from experience, as well as research, that a high end fan made Proton Pack can run upwards of 1500 dollars. If not much much more depending on parts, sounds and accuracy. Where as a trap is probably closer to 150 or 200 dollars. With the economy in the slump that it is, I’m sure MR couldn’t make a decent Pack that didn’t cost a fortune. Maybe their license with Sony was to release “x” amount of props. Otherwise I think they could have gotten away with the trap and PKE meter.

Maybe Obama can help MR out with this in his stimulus plan…