The Monitor Tapes for Monday, October 19th 2009



The Monitor Tapes, DC Comics news, reviews, previews and more!






 bnrstitlesIn a neat, unnecessary, and wonderful twist, during January’s Blackest Night skip month (giving Ivan Reis some catch-up time on art duties on the series) DC’s bringing back ended/ canceled titles for the month. True, some of the titles could have been either one shot’s or worked into other monthly series books (or back-up features for that matter). But I really think it’s not only a cool marketing gimmick, but just plain fun to do and read from the sounds of it!


POWER OF SHAZAM #48 By Eric Wallace (Final Crisis Aftermath: Ink, Eureka)

Osiris returns as a Black Lantern seeking out Billy and Mary Batson, last seen de-powered in Justice Society of America.

CATWOMAN #83 By Fabian Nicieza (Azrael : Death’s Dark Knight, Robin)

Black Mask comes back for Catwoman! Wait, Black Mask?

SUICIDE SQUAD #67 By Gail Simone and John Ostrander (Secret Six, Wonder Woman/ Suicide Squad, The Specter)

This could possibly be one of the greatest books ever done! Secret Six VS Black Lantern Suicide Squad!!!!

QUESTION #37 By Greg Rucka (Detective Comics: Batwoman, Superman: New Krypton)

Question VS Question! Who has the anwsers?

PHANTOM STRANGER #42 By Pete Tomasi (Green Lantern Corps, Batman: Blackest Night)

Phantom Stranger talks about not interfering while interfering.

WEIRD WESTERN TALES #71 By Dan DiDio (Wednesday Comics: Metal-Men, upcoming Outsiders)

Old west characters come back as Black Lanterns in the here and now, don’t get weirder than that, especially considering Jonah Hex is skinned and stuffed on display in DC’s Coney Island.

ATOM AND HAWKMAN #46 by Geoff Johns (Green Lantern, Blackest Night)

Do you really need another reason to pick this up? Hawkman (now a BL) tries to reunite Ray Palmer with his dead-now-Black Lantern ex-wife Jean!

STARMAN #81 by James Robinson (Superman: New Krypton, Justice League: Cry for Justice)

Again, you don’t need a reason to pick this up other than it’s gonna be awesome! No Jack Knight (as he’s living out his life with Sadie and his son in San Francisco), but plenty of Opal characters to revisit, and plenty of corpses to dig up.

Artists on the books are TBA, but wouldn’t it be cool to see Tony Harris come back for the Starman issue!?!? Also, is it possible some of the titles could be a bit of a “taster” to see if there’s a market for the titles? I’d love to see Suicide Squad come back in a new form, and really want to see Captain Marvel and Co. back in some form. Don’t get me wrong, I’m digging Marvel JR in JL:CFJ as a modern Marvel, but how ‘bout Billy in JSA (as the classic Marvel) and Mary struggling with her “Dark-Sied” (pun intended) questioning whether or not she’s a villain or hero? Seems like a missed opportunity with what’s happened to her post Final Crisis. And I really want an Atom and Hawkman book again, especially with the double feature books DC’s producing right now.




Batman: Brave & the Bold returns with “When OMAC Attacks!”



The first of the remaining four episodes of season one of Batman: B&tB premiered friday night with Batman teaming up with Jack Kirby’s OMAC. Have not had a chance to watch the episode (matter of fact, thought I’d missed it somehow as my Tivo did not record it, thank my backup in the basement!) but will this week. This Friday will be the long anticipated “Mayhem of the Music Meister!” featuring NPH, set your DVR’s to “stunning” and “Singing” DC (And Dr. Horrible) geeks!





 “SYDNEY — The falling U.S. dollar has forced Warner Bros. Pictures to reassess the viability of shooting a number of projects in several countries, after confirming Friday that it’s pulling production of “Green Lantern” out of Australia.

The studio said that “the current global economic situation, including fluctuations in currency valuation and overall costs,” forced the decision, in a statement issued through agency Screen NSW.

“We have also had to reassess film projects in other countries as well,” it said.”


So GL’s grounded while a new location is found. My backyard is cheap and likes like a barren wasteland, as no grass will grow there. WB, if you’re reading, I can make you a deal you can’t refuse! All seriousness though, Utah is fairly cheap, and think of how cool the possible landscapes south of Salt Lake could be used (Arches National Park). Plus, we’ve got an Air Force Base!




“Depending on whose exclusive you believe, the Green Lantern movie still hasn’t found its Sinestro just yet. Rumored first choice for the role Jackie Earle Hayley is telling everyone that no-one’s asked him yet.”

I don’t usually pay much attention to casting rumors, as they’re just that, rumors at best. Latest casting rumor making the rounds is that of Jackie Earle Haley (Watchmen, A Nightmare on Elm Street) via fan demand. Per the article, apparently “geek fans” are making themselves heard in hopes of WB casting Haley.

Following one of the two article links provides the following information-

“Shortly after receiving an Oscar nomination for “Little Children,” the Internet began buzzing with fans insisting that Jackie Earle Haley would make an ideal Rorschach in the “Watchmen” movie. When “Watchmen” hit theaters, many fans began lobbying for Haley to become the new Freddy Krueger.

Now, with “A Nightmare on Elm Street” in the can, Haley showed up to Saturday’s Spike TV “Scream Awards” having just learned about another possible gig from the Internet: playing the supervillain Sinestro in “Green Lantern.”

“I just heard about this, literally,” Haley told MTV News of an anonymously sourced report on Ain’t It Cool News claiming he will be offered the role of arch-enemy to Ryan Reynolds’ Hal Jordan in the soon-to-shoot blockbuster.”


I’m not one to really get behind fan wishlist casting, simply because I’m not a casting director nor do I work in the film industry. True, just like the typical “Can Superman be cud by Wolverines adamantum claws” type-debates, geek fan-casting is one of those things where everyone has an opinion, as especially in the geek world. Almost more intence than sports debates is that of what actor should play character “X” in movie “Y”.

Do I see him being able to pull it off? Yes, but then again I’m all for any good actor playing a great part. Thusly, I’m more concerned about the scripting than the casting at this stage. And with the news above regarding pulling out of Australia, I’m really not overly concerned about the casting until it actually happens.

 Also see our own Arse-bot’s post here at BSR about the casting and cameo news HERE!






 Written by Judd Winick ; Art by Mark Bagley and Rob Hunter ; Cover by Tony Daniel

 Wrapping up the first arc of Batman post Batman: Reborn, #691 picks up back at the beginning of the first issue of the arc, #687. Now we see the shadowy figure standing over Dick’s crumpled body upon the floor is Harvey Dent/ Two Face. Seems the drugs are not agreeing with Dick as he hallucinates Harvey in a dual-tone Batman costume!

 Dent’s convinced that this “new” Batman is not the original batman, with good reason as mentioned multiple times throughout the arc and again here. Thanks to a shadowy save by Alfred donning a cowl himself, Dick manages to defeat Two-Face and convince him he’s the real deal.

 As fast as Dent was taken down, he’s rescued from transport to Blackgate Prison by Black Mask and his army of Arkham nutters. When given a choice of working for Black Mask or getting out of town, Harvey opts for the latter deciding a road trip is best.

 The issue ends with a “Dun, Dun, DUUNNNN!” reveal moment you’ll have to read yourself, though it will make you curious as to what it’s going to mean in the long run. Overall, a pretty standard Batman story that was a fairly quick read. Not a bad thing, but I feel like I’m still waiting for the “definitive” Dick as Batman story.




 Written by Peter J. Tomasi; Art by Ardian Syaf and John Dell; Cover by Andy Kubert; Variant cover by Bill Sienkiewicz


Ends with a bit of a “huh?” but otherwise an OK read altogether.

Over the 3 issue mini, the final issue drops “hints” and mainly just wraps things up rather quickly. As always with event stories, writers have to either work with the new playground and toys presented from another’s vision, or forcefully work a story around said event as the writer’s flow is interrupted mid stream.

In the case of Batman: Blackest Night, it’s not forced as it’s contained within it’s own mini-series, in addition to having the luxury of having one of the Blackest Night wingmen helming. Tomasi, also of this weeks Green Lantern Corps #41 has a handle and knowledge on Blackest Night than most DC writers (I’m assuming) and is probably no. 2 next to Geoff Johns in the BN story.

Picking up from the previous issue, Batman (Dick), Robin (Damien) Red Robin (Tim), James Gordon and Barbra Gordon (possessed by Deadman AKA Boston Brand) crash the Bat-Dirigible (it’s what I’m calling it) into a graveyard after the hit and run from the Black Lanterns. As the group “regroups”, Batman has the Gordons’ go on the run with Damien to escape while Deadman goes and recruits the Demon.

After a surreal David Lynch style romp with the former Robins’ reliving their parent’s deaths, the two’s emotions start running high. As the adopted son’s “ripen” at the overwhelming emotions, the Black Lanterns strike trying to pry their hearts from their chests. Thankfully, Deadman/ Demon arrives and starts trashing BL ass at the last minute saving them albeit temporarily from the attacks.

While Batman, Red Robin and Deadman driving the body of the Demon realize they’re only slowing them down. Pulling a page from “Dutch’s” playbook in Predator, a quick delivery via Damien drops a freeze gun (one of Mr. Freeze’s guns from the Bat-Arsenal) that’s quickly used to freeze both Red Robin and Batman, making them invisible to the BL’s.

Overall, enjoyable but the last issue here feels extremely rushed. I’d imagine there’s not an abundance of time in regards to writing and publishing these tie-in books. Not necessary to enjoy Blackest Night, but not bad if you want to read about the Bat-Family interacting with Blackest Night.




Come back Wednesday for DC comics/ Vertigo/ Wildstorm and more available in stores this week. For more up to date news and previews on DC, check out and DC’s the Source for more!


As always, thanks for reading!