Brand New Teaser Image from New Ultimates #1

nu1pAmidst the wreckage of the crumbling Ultimate Marvel Universe, stupidly faithful nerds such as myself search for insight into what the 1610 Universe will look like post Ultimatum.

Frank Cho has just posted the first penciled page from New Ultimates #1 on his official site, along with a few other rough sketches.

As beautiful as it looks, it begs a number of questions, namely: What the Hell is 616 Iron Man doing here?  And is that giant falling from the sky Stonewall from the Secret Warriors (616)? And who is that flame headed guy – Ultimate Rick Jones perhaps? He hasn’t made an appearance since the end of Ultimate Origins…

A little food for thought as we cross our fingers and hope for the best until Mark Millar comes back to clean up this town with the Ultimate Avengers. CAN’T WAIT!