Though the manga series ended and the anime hasn’t been aired in the U.S. for years, Naoko Takeuchi’s Sailor Moon characters continue to live in the hearts and minds of its fans. And there must still be a lot of them, because the re-release of the manga was the second best-selling of 2011 (just beneath Naruto).
Volume 3 was just released this past week, and Volume 4 will be released on March 13, with more following.
And when I came across Jared MacPherson’s page at DeviantArt, I just knew I had to share it. He also has a Facebook page where you can view his art. His Sailor Moon images are extraordinary. Though I prefer some over others, he has created a series of movies posters for the characters and depicted them more realistically than their cartoon counterparts.
I thought I was the only one who thought Sailor Moon resembled Sarah Michelle Gellar, but the comments on his page reveal that others thought so, too. Still, I thought the poster images were very interesting and dynamic. Definitely worth a look. I’ve shared a few here:
And while I like the artistic style of the Sailor Moon piece below, I think the girls are a bit overly sexualized. Aren’t they supposed to be teenagers? Ah, a little artistic license, I suppose. (and they do age as the series goes on . . .) MacPherson admits that he used swimsuit models as templates for the poses, which helps explain that to some degree.
What are your thoughts?