Batman Graphic Novel Countdown 11 and counting

Today I read Hush, which is another story written by Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee.

People can say what they like about Jim Lee, but he draws a kick ass Batman, a creepy Joker and extremely hot ladies. Suffice it to say that I really like the art in this book.

Hush is probably the Batman graphic novel that I pick up and re-read the most and it was the initial print run of the single issues of this book that single-handedly took me from buying 3 comic books a month to 20+. This story really shows that Jeph Loeb knows how to write Batman. The problem with a lot of writers is that they either like the character too much, or not enough. Jeph Loeb, I think, leaves just enough up to chance (I.E. the fight with Superman.)

I wish there were more spots like this for people to jump on to Batman continuity, Grant Morrison has not been doing too great a job in that department.

The mystery that is given to this story is exhilarating, just trying to figure out who Hush is and all the false positives… Reading it monthly, I fell into a few of those traps. Where as there is this complex mystery, the story is also told so you constantly think you know what’s going on.

I will never forget reading this book the day it came out, every month, and having hour long conversations in the comic book store trying to guess who Hush was.

If all the things listed above aren’t enough, this graphic novel contains one of the best comic issues in existence in which Batman is on top of Joker beating the life from him and strangling him, finally understanding that he has to kill Joker, and so he is killing the Joker for the entire issue, and thinking to himself why he should. In case you haven’t read it, I won’t tell you what stops him, but I will leave it up to you to go out and read it.

Right now.