Out Today on DVD 7/8

Today sees the release of two Batman related titles in advance of the release of The Dark Knight that are must haves for any fan of the Bat (like me).  The first is Batman Begins for the Blu-Ray format.  This film is really good and I can only imagine that it’s going to look twice as good on in an HD format. Both versions coming to blu-ray (the fancy shmancy deluxe set and the single disc version) include the 6 minute preview of The Dark Knight in Blu-ray that we all saw in front of the IMAX version of I Am Legend. So, if you haven’t wet yourself in anticipation of the film, watching this will certainly cause you to lose bodily functions.
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The second Batman-centric release is Gotham Knight, which Joey Mousepad was kind enough to review on the 4th (read that here.) I watched it and it was good. It’s something any Bat-fan should have.

The last sort-of-Batman related release is Teen Titans Season 5.  I don’t know how many of you watched the Teen Titans cartoon, but this show was great, the seasons are short and affordable and I suggest that you all get this.  Yes, it’s a little kid-centric, but any Teen Titans book or cartoon should be.

Last on my list this week?  Universals 1932 monster movie classic The Mummy.  I’ve never seen it before, but figure there’s a reason that the character has remained iconic for 75+ year, so now is as good a time as any. And it couldn’t be worse than any shitty Brendan Fraser movie.  (Does anyone else want to vomit the next time they see a trailer for the third Brendan Fraser Mummy picture?)

And the DVD to avoid at all costs this week?  Superhero Movie.

I’ll see you next week with more DVD releases.