Review: Ultimate Spider-Man – Requiem #1

USM Requiem

Finally, I got around to reading Ultimate Spider-Man: Requiem #1. I found it a little disappointing, as the first five pages show the day after the Ultimatum wave razes New York City; continuing where USM issues 132 and 133 left off. You’re lead to believe you’re going to see how the lives of those in the Ultimate universe are affected by the death of Peter Parker/Spider-Man (especially that of a newly enlightened J. Jonah Jameson, who spends the issue reading scrapped Daily Bugle articles praising the web head). However readers are given a dull leftover one-shot that had been sitting on Brian Michael Bendis’ desk back when Mark Bagley was still penciling the book. Mary Jane is invited to interview Tony Stark and starts to touch on what would have been important concepts, say, 4 years and 50+ issues ago. The interview is cut short when Stark Towers is attacked by Hydra Terrorists and of course Spidey swings in and saves the day. The book zips back to a shamed Jameson who learns he’s now going to have to write Spider-Man’s obituary.

Sadly, the book doesn’t quite play the heart strings that it could have if it were to really focus on those closest to Peter and how they are dealing with his death. No mourning Aunt May; no Kitty Pryde and Mary Jane overcoming their Betty & Veronica head butting to squirt out a few tears and no Kenny “Kong” McFarlane and Gwen Stacy left to cope with the loss of one of their best friends. No real requiem what-so-ever. Perhaps issue two will touch on the drama. One can only hope…