You Got PWND: “You’re Doing it Wrong . . .”

If you play Halo: Reach there’s a good chance you’ve encountered more than your fair share of armor-locking n00bs. These cowards will do battle, but at the first sign of trouble they crouch into the Halo version of the fetal position and activate their six seconds of immovable invulnerability hoping that the superior players on their team will come save them.

Generally, these players are fairly easy to dispatch of. It’s just a matter of waiting them out then delivering that final blow followed by either humping or smacking around their limp corpse just so they know how much of a bitch-button using n00b they are – but, these types of players can still be extremely frustrating to encounter during a game.

Last night, Kill-tacular-tron,  ‘Bigcheezhead” and I encountered a team of these pussies armor-lockers during a game of “Splockets” (Spartan Laser + Rockets = Madness). Despite the general annoying nature of this team, we of course prevailed and one player in particular learned a hard lesson in the dangers of trying to jump in and out of this cowardly armor ability too quickly:

Play Halo: Reach? Have an awesome video of you PWNING some n00bs? Send them our way and we will feature them as part of our “You Got PWND” series here on BSR! Send a link to your video to