Video Game Quick Hits 8/28/12

Star Wars Celebration VI was an amazing time. Unfortunately I was too busy to get into the two panels about Star Wars 1313 but I did speak with several attendees and it seems nothing new was really shown. It’s still running on a “high end PC” and no platforms have been announced for release. The only new “footage” revealed came from the demo being paused and presenter swinging the camera around for new angles and a 360 view of the game. When asked if there would be Jedi in the game the presenter was a little cagey, although he did promise no lightsabers.

In other news:

[Rumor] GameStop’s recent management conference has revealed a November 18th release date for the WiiU. The event is closed to all but the company’s managers and this information was supposed to kept secret, but we live in the age of the internet. Other sources have been tested for confirmation and so far the rumor seems well-substantiated. Nintendo apparently has plans in place to publicly reveal the date sometime in September.

In other next gen news, Remedy Interactive has declared the next gen systems are a “quantum leap forward” from the current generation. As they should be. But when are they coming? No answers to that question, but Remedy is working on a next-gen game with a “relatively small team.” According to Remedy’s Head of Franchise Development, “Can the new consoles really be that much better than the old ones? Be assured: They are. It is a quantum leap forward.”

Team Ninja has revealed two more fighters for Dead or Alive 5. Helena “Fortune’s Heiress” Douglas and Lisa “La Mariposa” Hamilton are the latest additions to the game, scheduled for September 28th. In a surprise move, the two characters have had their absurd body shapes toned down to levels more appropriate for a real human and their outfits are functional rather than sexual. Ha! Right, like that’s going to happen. Giant, nearly exposed breasts all around.

if you’re one of the many that have been waiting for PSOne Classics on your Vita, today is bringing you a few gems. MonkeyPaw has announed the release of Alundra, Arc the Lad I and II, Tomba, and Vanguard Bandits for your handheld with today’s store update. The Vita seems like the perfect home for classic RPGs so these are great games to finally see release.

Microsoft has finally caved to the free-to-play model for the XBox 360. Happy Wars, the 15 v 15 multiplayer action game will be releasing this Fall. It will be free for Gold members. Details on the paid transactions within the game have not been shown, but “lavishly rendered” in-game items are being touted.

That’s basically it for a slow news week. But I was sent some new screenshots for Grand Theft Auto V. I don’t have much explanation for any of it. But they look pretty, and they could hint at what we can expect to in our “spare time” in Los Santos.