Video Game Quick Hits

Today’s VGQH has a little more business news than usual, but there’s some interesting game stuff as well.

Disney-owned developer, Propaganda Games has closed its doors. Based in Vancouver, this studio was cut in size significantly after its planned Pirates of the Caribbean game was shelved in October 2010. Since then they have released Tron: Evolution along with some DLC. They were also the developers behind the 2008 reboot of Turok (a flop).

Elsewhere in the games business, Konami is in expansion mode. While they have owned a majority of Hudson (Bomberman, Adventure Island, Diner Dash) for some time, they now have plans for a full take over. Current CEO, Michihiro Ishizuka, will be resigning on March 31st and replaced by Konami’s Kazuhiko Uehara when Konami gets the whole kit and kaboodle on April 1st. While a name change is expected, it’s too early to tell what this will mean to any of Hudson’s games or franchises.

The latest title from Tim Schafer’s Double Fine is Stacking. You’ll know the developer from Brutal Legend and the adorable Costume Quest. In this downloadable game you’ll be controlling Charlie, a Russian stacking doll that can jump into, and take over, larger dolls. It’s kind of a nutty concept but it has possibility. The game should be on the PSN on February 8th for $14.99 (and the equivalent point value through XBox Live). Hopefully playing as a Russian stacking doll won’t be as creepy as looking at them.

Isaac Clarke’s armor from Dead Space 2 is getting some extra usage in another anticipated sequel, Dragon Age 2. I’ve seen some weird crosovers in my time but this one is definitely in the top ten for odd pairings. Included in the Dead Space 2 box is a redeemable token for the special armor (sans plasma cutter). The armor is made to fit into the Dragon Age universe with specific character requirements (high dexterity and cunning) and bonuses (rune slots, critical damage, etc.). Dead Space 2 is out next week and Dragon Age 2 is coming March 8, 2011.

In the seemingly never ending laundry list of Activision being an asshole, their suit against EA has taken another nasty turn. I’m not qualified in any way to comment on what’s legal and not legal when it comes to the suit, but a recently surfaced email from EA does seem pretty shady – if it’s true. According to the email from Lincoln Hershberger of EA, he had asked Vince Zampella (formerly of Infinity Ward) to delay a Modern Warfare 2 map pack until after the release of Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Zampella allegedly complied. Activision’s accusation of tampering implies that this was illegal, besides just being a shitty thing to do. Seems odd to me, but I’m no lawyer. According to EA, the email is legit, but it was sarcasm. Take it from me, sarcasm doesn’t get read very well in print. Regardless, Bobby Kotick is a dick and I don’t really care how offended he is. I’d just like to see the whole Activision drama get over itself and start making decent new games with some innovation and new IP instead of Guitar Hero 47.

Meanwhile, if you can’t wait to line Activision’s pockets further, they’ve got three developers hard at work on Modern Warfare 3. Well, according to the LA Times anyway. While you should definitely expect another annual release of the CoD franchise sometime near the holidays, Activision hasn’t announced anything.

The newest addition to the list of games no one asked for, World Snooker Championship Real 2011 has been announced by Koch Media and scheduled for release next quarter. They’ve even signed three time champion Ronnie O’Sullivan to star in the game and on the cover (probably because he’s the only person on the planet that admits to playing snooker). Expect this chart-topper to set new records, especially in the U.S. where so many people have even heard of the game. [Please note, despite this being a real announcement, this is actually a callback to my sarcasm statement above.]

In the alternate world of games everyone’s been asking for but are now afraid to play since it’s been in development for a century, Duke Nukem Forever has finally been given a release date. The long-awaited date of May 3, 2011 is actually very close.

Another exciting release date is March 15, 2011. Well, exciting if you’re anticipating Yakuza 4 that is. The next iteration in the Japanese crime franchise has four main characters and a stronger focus on the old ultraviolence.

And, probably the most exciting of today’s quick hits (at least for people around my age), is that Mortal Kombat has also gotten a release date. The magic day is April 19, 2011. But wait, there are outlets in the U.K. saying April 18th. Which is it? Could be a regional difference but that would be odd since the U.S. is usually a few days ahead. I don’t for sure, but as a fogey that remembers the older games, I predict the reboot will mark the return of Mortal Monday (that means the 18th).