Robotech RPG Tactics Blows Through Kickstarter Goal

Yet another awesome guest post from Vagabond Prime.


Robotech and I have a long-term thing worked out. As long as it keeps being Robotech, I’ll keep loving it. This has been going on since the early 80’s, and it will probably be going strong when I am well into my 80’s.

Palladium Books has had the game license for Robotech since I was a teenager. I had all of the books, and loved playing the game. They never really had a good miniature line, but the game in itself was fun. I spent a lot of game time following Admiral Rick Hunter’s Robotech Expeditionary Force through space.

Palladium is ready to dust the cobwebs off of the old franchise with Robotech RPG Tactics. They have some heavy-hitters in the miniatures world to help out, too. Ninja Division is made up of industry vets who really know their miniature based games, including Super Dungeon Explore.


Ninja Division and Palladium Books kicked off their Kickstarter for Robotech RPG Tactics early this morning. The initial goal was $70,000, which they reached in a little under three hours. As of this writing, they had just passed $154,000, with 31 days still to go! The stretch goals have been introducing new units for both Robotech Defense Force and Zentraedi factions. The game can be used with both Palladium’s Robotech RPG, or as a stand-alone miniature battles game. And best of all? All of the miniatures are being presented in a consistent 1/285th scale!

The game won’t be delivered until late December of 2013, but a lot of the minis that will be available can be seen on the Kickstarter page. I opted for the Battle Cry level, which comes with all of these figures:

As you can see, there is going to be a ton of painting to do late in the year! I’ll share more information on this game as it’s released!