Review: The Walking Dead (XBox 360) Episode 1, A New Day)

(I’ll do my best not to give any spoilers in this review, so you can get the same enjoyment I got out of it.)

The Walking Dead Video game is finally upon us, well sort of, the game is going to be released in 5 separate episodes so you can take it in like you would the comics or the TV series.  There are two options for purchasing the series, you can buy them individually for $4.99 each or purchase the entire season for $19.99.  Telltale Games are the ones behind this amazing game.  I know some people will disagree with me on this, but I am incredibly pleased by Kirkman and the company chosen for making the game.  The reason for the great fit is that Telltale focused on story and not just zombie violence, just like the focus of the series. It’s not about the zombies, it’s about emotion and those living through it.  You are Lee Everett, a protagonist with a not so great past, but given a chance to start over after the outbreak happens.

The game play itself is like a point-and-click style mixed with correct button pushing or twitch thumb stick movement similar to Heavy Rain.  You also choose your statements in conversations, you only have a limited time to do so though.  Unlike most games your choices make a difference, it helps strengthen relationships and build trust or can pull others apart.  Not all of the effects of choices can be seen quite yet by the end of the first episode.  A very nice touch Telltale added is that after the episode is over they give you a percentage breakdown of the way you chose compared to the rest of the world on key decisions, very much like Catherine did after you answered the questions in the confessional.

She's looking for more than action.

The graphics of the game are done in a cell shaded style, making it feel like a living comic book, and don’t think for one instant that takes anything away from the visuals or the overall presentation.  This is an adult title, it’s also a thinking title as you have to solve problems and over come situations.  If you don’t do it correctly you will die, and there are a bunch of different ways to die.  I had my throat ripped out, I was also disemboweled, and other such ways for zombies to show their love.

The story and voice acting are top notch, only adding to the experience.  You can genuinely feel for the characters, which makes some of your decisions almost hard to make.  But make them fast or something else could happen all together.  The branching story paths encourages you to go back and play through it again to see what could have happened.  Also in the character department for those who are all over the other Walking Dead medias and want a connection to them, you meet and interact with Herschel Greene, Lilly, and Glenn.  Don’t worry I’m not saying how, when, or what you’re doing with them.  I will however ruin the Easter egg at the very end of the episode you can hear just how into Robert Kirkman, Telltale is as one of the characters is talking about his newer book Super Dinosaur. (It was funny to hear, then it made me realize how nerdy I am for knowing the reference.)

Overall I highly recommend checking this out, if you’re looking for a good story with a bit of suspense thrown in too.  If you are looking for all out action like Left 4 Dead or the adventure of Resident Evil I would tell you to probably look else where as this is done entirely differently. So far I can say this is a very promising start to the series, and I cannot wait for episode 2 to come out. Especially from the way “A New Day” ends and the preview for the next episode “Starved For Help” to come.


Score: 9/10


For fans of: The Walking Dead, anything Telltale Games has done before, point-and-click games, Heavy Rain