REVIEW: Super Mario Galaxy 2 – Wii

Super Mario Galaxy 2 is the gayest game I’ve ever played! Why would you want a game that you could sit down and start playing at noon and not put down until midnight? As a die-hard gamer, I want a game that I can start, get tired of in 10 or so minutes and trade it in for something really kick-ass like Trauma Team.

Expanding off the first game (which sucked) you have all new challenges! There is this annoying green dinosaur (Sinclair, I think) that helps you by sticking his tongue out and eating enemies and/or pulling them into his dirty mouth. Depending on what this dumb-ass eats (or what you force him to) he gains Sonic-like abilities to scale walls?! How could that be helpful? He can also use his largest muscle (tongue) to swing you and your mustached friend around obstacles.

What’s the deal with Mario’s fighting anyway? If you were in a universe were you can run around, upside down, and all-around wouldn’t you want more of a combat-style fighter to whoop some ass? I would. I played this game called Super Smash Bros. and Mario was rockin shit in that game. How come he can’t do it here? For Super Mario Galaxy 3 I’d say adapt that!

The music is tolerable at best, most fans and record producers will “dig” the sound effects, score, and overall auditory pleasures this game brings. I thought it could have used some Vasco Rossi but again that’s just me.

So you own 5 games for your Nintendo Wii right? Want to make it 6? Buy this game it’ll grab hold of you, choke the shit out of you, and starve you until your dead! It is the worst game Nintendo has ever made and I’m happy to say I will own several copies so you can’t find it in stores, remember how long it took to find Super Mario Bros. last Christmas? That was entirely my fault.


  • The sequences between levels/sub levels.
  • Smooth game-play
  • Challenging & fun for all skill levels.


  • The signs and menu’s during game play felt sticky. They didn’t always pop up when selected.
  • I selected my Mii character to play the game and Mario was selected, fuckin Italians!
  • The goal of the game is to save Peach, why are we doing this over and over again?


  • Graphics: 9
  • Sound: 9
  • Replay: 10
  • Controls: 9
  • Overall: 9.5