REVIEW: Pushmo 3DS

This colorful little puzzler has such a quirky way of dragging you in and filling your day. Built on the concept of pulling out blocks to create stairs, you spend your time figuring out ways to get to the top of colorful towers to rescue children. Yes folks, my worst enemy, those cute things that throw up, urinate and cry, and I spent my weekend trying to save them.

To give you a little background on my opposition to Pushmo at first, I declined 4 peoples invitations to buy the game. To explain the stupidity of my decision the game is $6.99, at that price the purchase should have been a no-brainer.I, however, let my digital snobbery get the best of me, doubting that any game is worth more than a couple of bucks. Finally after a few weeks of harassment I ponied up the dough my only regret is not having done it sooner. Now I spend my days trolling the internet for QR codes to solve and trying to create the perfect puzzle. This game is intuitive, imaginative and worth every penny. Hundreds of different and creative levels will keep you pushing from puzzle to puzzle, waiting to see what’s around the corner. Themed worlds ranging from training, to transportation, to dinosaurs helped keep the playthrough fresh. The hokey story is nothing more than a mechanism to force you to solve puzzles and I found myself blasting through that without reading, just to get to the next puzzle. Visually the art style is bright, cheery, and the 3d is exceptionally polished for a Virtual Console title. The controls are simple and easy: A to jump, B to grab, R to view the entire picture, and your d-pad moves you around. You can pick up the title and begin playing with minimal tutorial. The soundtrack isn’t something I’d blast in my car, but it fits the style of the game perfectly. If you haven’t played it on your 3DS you’re later to the game than I was, jump on board, pick this one up.

If you have already picked this one up email your QR code to, and we’ll post them on the site, we’d love to see what you folk have created.

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  • Audio: 9
  • Controls: 9
  • Visual: 9
  • Replay: 10
  • Story: 5
  • Total: 8.25