REVIEW: Gotham City Impostors

Plot: Batman is gone fishin’, in his absence all the half wits of Gotham city go to war with each other for either justice or crime.

The breakdown: Build out characters based on playing preferences from tiny- fast- weak to big- strong- slow. Three different game types offer a deathmatch, point capture, and a bomb arming scenario with a twist.

About six months ago I caught the trailer for Gotham City Imposters. Reading the synopsis of the game and taking into account that two of my all time favorites (fear and condemned) came from the the Monolith’s studio I had faith! The I started playing the Beta 2 weeks before launch, and bought the full version on day 1.

On the surface this game plays just like your average shooter, It’s set apart by the attention to detail. You choose your personality disorder…yes…every character is deemed insane with their own disorder. Depending on your play style you unlock your disorder that best suits your play style, you also unlock and build your own personal calling card.

This game is comical vulgarity at its finest. This game is a huge change from the rinse and reuse style of shooter we are used to. When I die from an unknown bullet spray I feel somewhat less likely to throw my controller and scream when I hear a silly heroic voice boom over my tv “justice has outdone you!!!” from a gloating bat.

Replay value is very high in the world of GCI the unlockable costumes alone keep me coming back for more. First I aimed to simply get my Joker and Bat down to only their underoos to strike fear into my enemies as I swoop down and murder them from my glider rigs. With that objective accomplished the next goal is a full Luchador get up for the Bat. Tie that together with a 1,000 level cap I won’t be leaving the game anytime soon.