PS3 Retail Releases Week of 11/8/10

It seems like it’s been a while since we’ve gotten more than one top shelf game in a single week. Really, this should be happening more often as we close the year and build up to the holidays. Unfortunately, so many games have been delayed to 2011 it might not happen. Hopefully the publishers will see fit to release those delayed games at a steady trickle of awesomeness instead of holding them all for the summer glut. In the meantime, here’s what we get for now:

Call of Duty: Black OpsIf you’re having deathmatch withdrawals you’re about to get your fix. One of the most anticipated shooters of the year, you’ve probably already pre-ordered this game if you were planning to buy it. There’s been speculation about which FPS is the game to beat this year, Call of Duty or Medal of Honor’s recent reboot. I guess we’ll know soon.

SingStar Dance Party PackIf you’re into the home console version of karaoke, and you need to justify all that money you blew on your MOVE controller, this is the game for you. There really isn’t much more to say about it. Please send us videos of the foolish behavior this game will cause.

The Fight: Lights OutYou know how you always wanted to learn to fight when you were a kid so the bullies would leave you alone but your parents wouldn’t sign you up for boxing or karate lessons? (Me) You know how you think you’re good at fighting games because you can mash buttons really fast? (Not me) Well now you can suck at both things at the same time with the new MOVE-enabled boxing game. I’m guessing there must be a market for this or they wouldn’t have made it, but I don’t know anyone buying it.

The Sly CollectionIf you can think of something better to do with $40 than buy three awesome platformers then by all means do it. Otherwise, this might be my favorite game of November. Yes, I’m well aware that Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood and NBA Jam are both out next week and both could potentially take that title. But it’s Sly freakin’ Cooper. These games are awesome!

P.S. It’s November 8th. Happy Birthday, Mom.