PREVIEW: The Sims 3 – Into The Future

October 22, 2013 heralds the release of one of the biggest expansions the Sims franchise has seen yet. Jet packs, time travel, wind cutters (a.k.a hoverboards), robots, this expansion has it all. My hands on experience with the folks at EA showed me just how complex the Sims has become. This specific expansion allows you to manipulate time.

Photo: The Portal to the Future

My personal favorite is the opportunity to check the winning lottery numbers during your time frame, and if you don’t get caught you are free to head back in time and play those numbers. Different sets of quest chains also allow you to enter different futures. You can help keep everything on path and enter a “normalized” consistent to your time style future, you can mess with the time line a bit and walk into a Mad Max reminiscent dystopian world, or you can help improve things and head to utopia where everything is hugs and butterflies. 

Along with new quest chains, worlds and adventures you are also given different traits. One trait “robot fanatic” allows you to build, invent, and customize Plumbots. Plumbots are characters (pictured below) that work in retail shops, help around the house, or simply become a part of your family that you can control. With so many options at your disposal this expansion looks to be earning it’s price easily. We have the b roll trailer below with more game play insight, are you ready for some Sims?