Nintendo Direct – Feb 22, 2012

Nintendo released their “insider” style video set up to discuss their new items. The video is roughly 11 minutes long if you don’t feel like watching I’ll summarize it for you below the video.


Announcement Summary

Dillon’s Rolling Western: This release for the eShop has you playing a rolling armadillo cowboy with the mission of protecting western towns. The video claims it has 20 hours of play and will be a huge success.

Kid Icarus: Uprising : Releasing March 23 the game will also include a light vs. dark multi-player mode, and 9 different weapon types during single player. Reserving this game at “select retailers” will also get you a code to download the original Kid Icarus as a 3D classic.

Mario Tennis Open:This is the big announcement of the video. Nintendo has mentioned a Mario Tennis game, but never given any confirmation. Nintendo confirmed that Mario Tennis will release May 20.

Xenoblade Chronicles artwork: Finally Xenoblade is hitting the U.S. and Nintendo let the consumer vote on the artwork via facebook here is the winner.:

The Last Story: The Wii will also get the acclaimed RPG The Last Story from XSeed games, this year. No date yet, but the visual looked incredible in the video.

What do you folks think? Picking up any?