Hey, Timmy! Wanna See the Future of Gaming?

Kickstarter is one of my favorite things: It can be a wretched hive of scum and villainy, but it can also be a one-stop shop for looking at the future. Think of it as Tomorrowland, but on your laptop.

I’ve backed a lot of miniature companies on Kickstarter, two motion pictures, and a number of comic books. But I never thought I would have the air sucked out of me as fast as it was when I watched the demo for the Omni, a Virtual Reality harness that allows you to run and interact with your games. I’ve spent the last hour watching game play with the Omni, and you can bet if I get one I will never, EVER stop playing Skyrim. EVER. Check out this game-play from Half Life 2 (watch the lower right-hand side of the screen):


The Kickstarter campaign for the Omni has a little over a month to go, and has already hit it’s goal six times over. For less than $400, you can get on board with one of the first rigs to see the light of day. Hook one of these babies up with the Occulus Rift helmet, and you might well disappear from the real world altogether, just like Tom Hanks in Mazes and Monsters.

But not as lame.

Check out the Omni Kickstarter page here!