Halo Reach: New Feature’s Rundown

The cover story for this month’s Game Informer issue is Halo: Reach. To be completely honest, I haven’t really cared one way or the other about this game. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve really enjoyed the Halo titles up ’til this point. Although my focus has generally been on the Multiplayer first, and the Campaign second. After reading the article in the new Game Informer, I’ll have to admit those focuses have switched.

Halo: Reach is a prequel to the first three games. The story takes place on the military planet Reach, the first place the Covenant attacks the Human race. In a lot of ways, Halo will be going back to its roots. This makes sense since the game takes place hours before the first Halo game. Halo: Reach will be a much darker and scarier game.

Below I will briefly do a rundown on some of the exciting features in the upcoming title. I highly recommend you pick up the latest issue of Game Informer as well as follow them online. For the next two months they will continue to post Halo: Reach exclusives.

Feature’s Rundown:
• Health bar along with your rechargeable shield.
• Weaponry will match Halo 1 for continuity (hopefully this includes the scoped pistol.
• You’ll be playing as a Spartan III, the version created AFTER Master Chief.
• Silent take downs. Now you can choose to be sneakier and save some bullets. Or you could run in guns a blazing. The point is now you have the choice.
• Equipment is out, armor abilities are in. The two mentioned thus far are sprint and camouflage.

In addition to these changes, the technology has been improved upon as well. From more light sources to more on screen AI. One particularly amazing technology revolves around adjusting the detail of objects and environments depending on how close you are to them. It’s hard to sum up, but I think its a fair assumption that this will be the next big step in first person shooters.