Halo Reach Beta Vids

In case by my robot name you can’t tell I’m a Halo fan… I am. A dear friend and I spent the better part of the last three weeks tearing it up on the beta. While none of these videos feature anything too spectacular, it’ll give you a taste of what the game is like.

Senator Kooche – Oddball from Lucas Ackley on Vimeo.

Senator Kooche – Stick & Assisination from Lucas Ackley on Vimeo.

Senator Kooche – Oddball from Lucas Ackley on Vimeo.

Zombie Lucas – Jetpacks from Lucas Ackley on Vimeo.

Zombie Lucas – Guardian from Lucas Ackley on Vimeo.

Zombie Lucas – Pro Pipe from Lucas Ackley on Vimeo.

Stay tuned for a new weekly Halo article I think you will all really enjoy.