GAMING: Double Fine’s ‘Broken Age’ Hits January 14

Joystiq, and the Kickstarter forum have confirmed that Tuesday, January 14 is the release of “Broken Age” part one. This release is only for backers, and has been a long time coming. Initially, “Broken Age” was intended to launch in October of 2012, but was heavily delayed. Now, the 87,142 contributors that amassed just over 3.33 million dollars will get to see the beginning of their adventure. 

The Kickstarter Forum says the following:

The backer beta is mere weeks away! January 14! We can’t wait for all of you to get your hands on Part 1—hard to believe it’s about to happen. BUT IT IS. So get ready.

Did you back this? Are you bracing yourself for Tuesday?! Let us know!