Game Review: WWE SMACKDOWN VS RAW 2010

So….. I’m not a huge wrestling fan, people who know me know this. However I am a fan of a game that makes sense. And a lot of stuff in WWE does not. For instance, how in the hell does a ring get to 500 degrees Fahrenheit without my characters skin melting off? Just saying, physics should apply no matter how many PBRs you’ve had before playing. This game is pretty much high voltage redneck rock and roll loops, while a bunch of steroid pumped dudes, punch each other repeatedly.. And… if you can figure out how to power bomb someone, then more power to you.. The physics work, the character models look really good. The audio is well done. The controls are just too sluggish, and weak to make me excited that my gold covered ICP wannabe may or may not burst into flames at any moment. (Seriously try an inferno match, it makes no sense.) All in all, if you watch WWE regularly, think Miller High Life is classy, or have a truck with any of the following items on it: A confederate flag, antlers, a gun rack (with or without a gun on it.), Lift kit, Metal Mullisha decal, or if you’ve ever said the phrase shit y’all. Buy this game, its for you.

  • Graphics – 9
  • Audio – 8
  • Controls – 6
  • Replay – 7
  • overall – 7.25