Game Review: Scribblenauts

Maxwell Smart is a pixelated man wearing a rooster hat. And this pixelated man is taking part in what I consider to be a stroke of genius. They drop you into a world with a basic objective to solve or accomplish, you write any noun that isn’t profane or copyrighted, then you see if it will solve your problem. The game will recognize over 3500 nouns.. and so far I haven’t been disappointed. Chupacabra, Zombie (saw that one coming didn’t ya), Zombie…Shotgun….super-hero, colon, grandma, toaster (which if you didn’t know can be dropped into the ocean to electrocute pesky sharks). The unstifled creativity this game allows is exactly what brought me into gaming in the first place. Aside from Max going insane whenever you try to make him run for too long, this game is close to perfect. I won’t even break it down I’ll just tell you to buy it and experience it for yourself.
Score 9.5