GAME REVIEW: Megaman 10!!!


I’ve been playing Megaman since right before it became cool. In fact I attribute a great deal of its success due to the fact that I gave it the green light— I’m not bragging, it’s just the way it is. I followed the series progression all the way up to Megaman 8. A great game for Playstation, that not only included animated scenes, but also the robot masters were given awesome voices. All the while maintaining the classic Megaman gameplay. This is what I would call, a step in the right direction.

Then Megaman 9 came out… And now Megaman 10…

Yeah!… Finally!… Just what we needed another 8-bit side scroller. Why did I even need to buy a next-gen system? I can have just as much fun playing games that were designed for the NES. A system that came out over twenty years ago. So thanks Capcom for forgetting to add graphics… again— If you couldn’t tell I’m being sarcastic. I mean it’s the year 2010 for Christ sake, give us a gun that makes enemy’s explode into something better than white pixels.

I’m one of the unfortunate robots that accidentally paid for this piece of crap, and I don’t know what I hate the most about it. Was it the stupid robot bosses? Such as Sheep Man, a fluffy ball robot that turns into a storm cloud?

Or maybe what I hated the most was the stupid selection of weapons? For example: Ice Spike. A weapon that ejects a small amount of ooze out of your Megaman arm cannon, and literally drips onto the floor in front of you. The worst part of this stupid weapon is that you can only shoot one at a time, and I estimate it takes 5 seconds to dissolve.

The actual stages leading to the bosses seemed to be put together fine, what was stupid about them was the gimmicks each of them had. For instance, in all the Megaman games they implement platforms with pits in between and if you fall into them, you die. A really basic concept that has worked since Megaman’s inception. But in Megaman 10, (Commando Man’s stage in specific) they felt that wasn’t good enough. They said, let’s add a never ending supply of enemies that jump out of the pits whenever Megaman goes near, but not only that, let’s also add sporadic bursts of a sandstorm that completely block the players field of vision, while moving Megaman willy nilly all over the screen.

At least in Megaman 9 there was some challenge, now in Megaman 10 they added an easy mode for gamers that happen to be pussies. (I only ran through easy mode for review purposes.) And if you don’t believe me about making the game for pussies, in Megaman 10, doctor Wily drives a pirate ship. Literally. Then, rather than having to fight three forms in a row after you beat the first two forms of him, he runs away, you go through a level that doesn’t have enemies, they refill your life, and then you fight the final form that’s weakness is the common Pbuster.

I know I already thanked Capcom, but at this time I feel it would be prudent to thank them again. Thanks Capcom.

Overall Score:

  • Graphics – 0
  • Controls – 10
  • Replay – 10
  • Audio – 10
  • Overall – 7.5