First U.S. Pokemon Black and White 2 Game Play


Tonight near the end of Nintendo Direct, Reggie was good enough to share information on the New Pokemon games. Announced a few months ago, this is the first time that a direct Pokemon sequel has been released. Reggie also announced that Nintendo 3DS owners will receive 2 very exclusive features. The first feature 3DS owners will receive is an augmented reality game that allows gamers to capture rare pokemon in their living room. It looks, well….pretty lame, and yet I know I’ll be hunting through my home via augmented reality to catch Pokemon I missed during my playthrough. The second feature is something I’ve been screaming for since Nintendo got rid of the Pokedex app on smart phones. Pokedex 3D Pro which will give you a full run down of all the Pokemon in game including evolution, combat, and strengths and weakness. And for you augmented reality fans you can still take pictures of your Pokemon in the real world. Extra features…not that great, game play footage worth it. Here it is for your eye holes.