EVENT: MvC 3 Tournament!

This Sunday is Big Shiny Robot’s 3 year anniversary event at Brewvies! Part of this event is going to include a casual Marvel vs. Capcom 3 tournament – on the movie screen!

All skill levels are welcome to sign up and throw down for a few rounds. To put your name in for the tournament, just fill out the registration form (clicky, clicky)! The winner will take home a 3′ x 4′ Marvel vs. Capcom 3 window poster! Also, all of you that show up between 3pm MT and 5pm MT can enter a raffle to win a copy of Marvel vs. Capcom 3! This raffle will be open to both, tournament players and spectators!

So join BSR! at our 3 year anniversary event at Brewvies this Sunday, February 20, between 3pm-5pm MT for some Marvel vs. Capcom on the big screen!