E3: Skyward Sword Gameplay Footage

GameSpot got an exclusive interview with localization producer Eric Petersen.  In the interview they spend about 20 minutes discussing the game showing off the different aspects, and avoid ruining any major story elements.

The game looks simply fantastic, as good as and possibly better than Twilight Princess.  The huge world above the cloud is nice looking, but I hope they can insert some form of excitement into navigating it. I’m more than happy to use the clouds to move between temples and towns, but  the biggest complaint I had with Windwaker, and Spirit Tracks was the lengthy travelling, (especially spirit tracks). During late night game sessions I found myself dozing during the train rides and missing things that needed to be done, or running into the evil phantom trains and being forced to relive the nightmare. (By relive the nightmare I mean of course start the train ride over again.  I loved the dungeons but they could have made the game navigation interesting, not.. well a necessary evil.  The bird riding looks like a solid attempt to do exactly that, and I hope it works out. If they don’t require a flight with the same four or five control changes, and maybe throw some interesting combat in-between they could do exactly that.  It would then be perfection.  The motion plus integration made the sword play look a lot more realistic.  Twilight Princess had the basic swat motions going on which made the motion controls feel more like an afterthought, and less like an integrated combat experience.  This looks as if the controls will be more intuitive and follow your hand motions much more fluidly.  Anywho I’ll stop rambling about it.  The game looks gorgeous and here’s the video.  Put your thoughts below!