An Early Look at Street Fighter II Turbo Remix HD


For those of you who don’t realize how perfect a game Street Fighter II was, this post probably isn’t for you. If you never rode your bike to an arcade or a 7-11 to pound buttons against your buddies over a slurpee and if you have no idea what the significance of placing a quarter on the frame of the monitor is, you should just go back now and turn in your Nerd ID card.

So, us bots at Big Shiny Robot! got a sneak peek into Capcom’s HD update of the game and I have to say, it looks great.

I’m already greatly impressed with how Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo remix HD turned out and I can see this game, too, will waste a lot of time at the office.

As of now, the game has no firm release date, but should be available through both Playstation and Xbox’s online shops soon.

Enjoy the pictures (be sure to click for larger sizes):
