'The Neverending Story' was Popular
The Neverending Story saw some renewed popularity when characters sang the catchy theme song on Stranger Things. I see any costume from that movie, I have to stop and ask for a picture. I’m only sad I didn’t actually run across the person cosplaying as Atreyu with a horse’s head “sinking” into the Marriott carpet. Or maybe I’m not as sad, since it will forever be too soon to be reminded of Artax in the Swamps of Sadness.
But check out these kids! Aren’t they the cutest? Do you think they’d be impressed I once interviewed the actress Tami Stronach who portrayed the Empress? Yeah, probably not.

Other Random Photos
I’m not gonna lie–I mostly take pictures of Disney and Spielberg-inspired characters, so that’s why you see Belle (in the pink dress which is rarely seen) and Indiana Jones and Marian Ravenwood. But I also encountered a Deadpool Karate Kid willing to do the crane pose for me. And check out the wings on that Maleficent! I couldn’t fit her wingspan in my camera due to all the people crowding around. The wings actually fold in and out.
Always impressive work by everyone at Dragon Con. They set the bar higher and higher each year, and it’s inspiring to see such creativity poured into every costume.
And finally a photo of the Jurassic Park explorer vehicle from the parade. Photo courtesy of Lawrence Green.