SUPERNATURAL: The Supernatural Shake

I love the Supernatural cast like they were my own band of ne’er-do-wells, and I love the humor they so freely share with their fans. This video has been making the rounds all day today, but I didn’t want to post it because I’m struggling with the meme and it’s lack of credit to the real Harlem Shake. But then two things occurred to me.

1. Here is a learning opportunity. Please, please watch “>this video and learn about the talent and skill that goes into these moves. Then note that Jensen is actually doing an “OK I can’t really dance but this is totally how Dean would do the Harlem Shake” move. Also, the girl in the green sweatshirt? Amazing. Then watch the Supernatural Shake below.

2. Oh my god you guys the suicidal teddy bear is in the video, and you can see the little hits of stuffing popping out the back of his head.  I’ve since been trying to spot other cast members (who wants to bet Misha is in the body bag?) or even Cliff the bodyguard, but I just cannot stop giggling at the teddy bear.

Perfect cast and crew is perfect.