Robin is Getting Cancelled all Over the Place!

Some great news from Variety regarding “Graysons”:

The trade says the decision to yank the project came from Warner Bros. Pictures Group president Jeff Robinov, who initially gave his blessing but changed his mind in recent days.

The CW had been counting on “The Graysons” to fill the void left by the likely series end of “Smallville.” Like “Smallville,” “The Graysons” is a superhero origins story. The show was developed to revolve around the world of Dick “DJ” Grayson before taking on the iconic Robin identity.

“The studio has opted not to go forward with the development of ‘The Graysons’ at this time as the concept doesn’t fit the current strategy for the Batman franchise,” the studio said in a statement. “Warner Bros. Television is currently working on several replacement options for the CW.”

A script had not yet been written for “The Graysons,” which was still in early stages of development.

The one-hour “Graysons” was to be set in modern times and focus on young DJ as he faced challenges involving first loves, young rivals and his family — a famous juggling act — as he grew up.

Whew! Dodged a bullet there!