REVIEW: Supernatural Season 8 Episode 7: “A Little Slice of Kevin.”

Cas is back. There’s no since in tippy-toeing around it, because you probably heard the fangirl squees ’round the world last night. He’s back, and although he’s not quite up to par, he’s not crazy and he can posture his feathers enough to scare the bejeesus out of the King of Hell.

The internet was shivering in anticipation for seven days for this episode. I was excited, but also a little hesitant. I didn’t want another variant. We had Leviathan!Cas, then BatturdCrazy!Cas . . . I just wasn’t ready for another personality because it was starting to feel like a directionless mess. But this season’s writers do not disappoint. Well, he actually might be Manipulated!Cas, but we’ll get to that.

There were several touching moments this week, most as a direct result of Jensen Ackles’s acting. No, it’s OK – go ahead and go back and read that sentence again if you need to. But I mean it completely. The show is fun to watch and the actors are very capable, but he was amazing this week.  He dropped the Bruce Wayne voice for most of this episode, there were no quips or slapstick. Cas’s return created an opportunity for the writers shine as well; Dean was honest with Sam about what he thought were hallucinations of the angel. It was great character development, and is hopefully the commencement of a resolution to the struggle the brothers have had for too many seasons. I know we need conflict, but the trust-issue boat seems to have set sail.

Meanwhile, Crowley has abducted a bunch of potential prophets in lieu of Kevin, but none of them can read Metatron’s handwriting. As it appears that prophets are born much in the same way as Slayers, there is brief mention of Chuck Shirley; Cas says “I don’t know what happened to Chuck. Maybe he’s dead.” I am left to wonder if this is foreshadowing or just a writer’s joke, since his disappearance was such a plot hole/mystery. Anyway, Crowley makes the potentials explode. I this show getting grosser? I have no problem with that, just wondering. Mrs. Tran hires a witch to make demon bombs (which, I might add, are highly effective) but – shockingly – that backfires. But since Mrs. Tran is a four and a half foot BAMF, she tackles a demon herself which allows Team Free Will to save Kevin and half of the tablet.

We finally finish the Purgatory flashbacks and the full events of Dean’s escape are made clear. The fight choreography is really shining this year, and even when it is derivative it’s never a rip-off. Dean and Cas’s slow motion final battle in Purgatory was so much fun to watch. We also learn that Dean didn’t fail to pull Cas out, Cas gave up. Throughout the episode, Cas claimed he has no recollection of leaving the dimension nor any idea who (or what) might have gotten him out. Which leads to, potentially, the greatest thing Supernatural has ever done.

Cas is transported to Heaven, Whovian Silence style. He is told that Heaven rescued him and that he will make reports on the Winchesters, but will never remember doing so.

You guys … Is GOD the Big Bad this year? I want more than anything for Supernatural to be the show brave enough to tackle that idea. This has been my favorite episode of the season, not simply because of Cas’s return but because of the revelations it created.