REVIEW: Supernatural 9.1 – “I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here”

Damn, it felt good to type that. Season 9… Season 9, you guys! Even though the Supernatural title card is differnet every season (and sometimes from episode to episode), it still feels like coming home to a warm blanket. A blanket made of Dean Winchester’s blood and tears and Sam Winchester’s angst, but still. Blanket. 

Each season’s title card is usually a tell that alludes to the Big Bad of the year, and, surprising no one (yet still looking totally cool), season nine’s “Supernatural” is encased in angel wings.

Not a good sign. When last we left our heroes, Castiel was robbed of his grace, Sam was at Death’s door due to some demon redemption shenanigans, and Dean was codependent and snarky. Season nine picks up immediately with an episode that takes place partially in a hospital in the “real” world and partially in Sam’s head as he faces a decision to live to fight, or surrender with Death. Meanwhile, in the real world, Dean continues his trend of getting beaten to a pulp and making questionable decisions. In keeping with last year’s review format, let’s get to…

The Good:

  • Misha Collins, congratulations on your Cast Regular status. No longer will Castiel be a “guest star,” which implies that Cas’s story will be just as important as the brothers’.
  • Jim Beaver, I will hesitantly give an approving nod for this guest appearance. Supernatural can’t really say goodbye to male dead characters. Sometimes it works, sometimes it smacks of desperation. Tonight was the former, as a debate taking place in Sam Winchester’s head would certainly require Bobby and Dean playing their respective parts on Sam’s shoulders.
  • Helo! My life can always use a little more Tamoh Penikett. Let’s be fair. Everyone’s life can use a little more Tamoh Penikett. See below, however, because this does lead me to a bit of a frown.

The Awesome:

  • I don’t think I’m alone in voting for Julian Richings as a cast regular. Well, OK, that’s probably a bad idea because Death might not be as awesome were he to appear all the time. And when I saw “awesome,” I mean the classical definition of “inspiring awe.” This is not a Spicoli admiration. Supernatural’s Death might possibly be in my top ten favorite television characters of all time.
  • It took Dean an inordinate amount of time to realize he had the King of Hell locked in the Impala’s trunk. This caused a hearty chuckle. Crowley didn’t make a true appearance tonight but I believe we can expect demons a-plenty next week.
  • Can we just talk about the strides the FX team are making in this show? When appropriate, the gore is quietly horrifying. It can’t compare to The Walking Dead – like, literally, apples and oranges – because the effects team are keeping the horror as an aside instead of a highlight. It’s smart, effective, and really sets the show apart from anything in the horror television genre. Tonight’s highlight was angel Hale, after she had flown through a windshield. Her vessel was askew on the ground, and the realization took a few seconds to happen, but Hale’s legs were… wrong. Oh dear lord they were wrong. The effect achieved a wide eyed cringe from this bot.
  • Aw, RIP Trenchcoat. I’m super sad but I know it was your time.

The “kmc1138 is making a face like she smells fart”:

  • There are many facets to this trepidation that will all fall under a single bullet point. Check this out.
  1. I understand that after eight seasons, writers, actors, and producers might feel the need to shake things up by allowing creators and performers to spread their wings a bit. However.
  2. I do not, not not nottity not not not, want Sam Winchester to go all Dissociative Identity Disorder with a rampant angel running around in his head. This might allow Padalecki to stretch his chops, but it’s a trite Supernatural theme – oh, Sammy can’t take care of himself so Dean’s going to do something questionable but for the love of Chuck DON’T TELL SAM. Which brings me full circle to
  3. If you’re gonna cast Tamoh Penikett, by gummy you better use Tamoh Penikett. He’s a delight and could provide a nice contrast to the Castiel dynamic that our heroes are so familiar with. 

All in all, whatevs ’cause it’s Season Nine, bitches! I won’t ruin any of the upcoming fun in case you’re like me and prefer to, you know, be surprised, but I am on tumblr so it’s been unavoidable. There are lots of fan favorites heading our way.