REVIEW: Supernatural 8.23 – “Sacrifice”

No small talk this time. I’m just going to go ahead and put it out there. This might be the single greatest episode of Supernatural that has ever aired.

It’s at this point that I usually give a summary. Not going to do that this time. If you have not seen the episode and still want to read the review – I sincerely thank you. But I also want you to be able to experience this episode as intended, and as executed: with all the tension, laughs, mystery and tears it provides. My only very small complaint – and I really hesitate to call it that, it’s far too strong of a word – is that fans already new about a renewal and casting for season nine, and that erased the teeniest bit of mystery.

There are no bullet point divisions tonight. There is no “meh,” there is no “really?” and there is no “you broke your own rules.” There is only “DEAR GOD THAT WAS AWESOME.” So instead, just a few style observations and my favorite bits:

  • Is it me, or was there a new style of cinematography tonight? Lots of close ups and character based shots. There also seemed to be a lot of abrupt, quick edits. I enjoyed both.
  • I really love that most angels have never met God. I won’t assume that it’s a metaphor or a statement, but I like the implications for His use in the show and I like what it says about the mission statement of angels. I still wager that one day God will be the Big Bad.
  • A return to Bobby’s junkyard. Ouch, man. Ouch. Those car skeletons, while still totally boss, were like a punch in the gut.
  • Jensen Ackles, I am so proud of you. This man is always hilarious, completely capable, but throughout this entire season he proved that he has some serious chops. Tonight, with the watery eyes and no spillage? Good GOD man (punny teehee). That’s impressive. Both men were simply amazing tonight, and surpassed your average genre TV performance by a landslide. Gosh, this might be petty, but it surpassed CW acting most specifically. It’s not a judgement! But kinda true.
  • Yes, there were tears, but there some hearty laughs as well, mostly from the King of Hell. He sympathized and wept over “Girls.” Go ahead and read that again. High point of the comedy for me? Crowley fights dirty – he’s a biter, and the absurdity is that Sam is actually appalled by it. Crowley has been wheelin’ and dealin’ souls for eons, he kills on a whim and has no respect for, well, anything, and Sam is appalled that he bites. Hilarious.
  • And can we please just talk about Mark Sheppard? Mark. Effing. Sheppard. Last week he gave an amazing, chill inducing villain soliloquy and this week… spoilers, darling. Mark. Effing. Sheppard. How this man has never won an Emmy is beyond any level of comprehension.
I cannot believe that I have to wait five months to watch my favorite show again. If you aren’t on tumblr, now is the time to join. The Supernatural fandom goes a little nutso during hiatus.

OK, I have to end with one spoiler. If you don’t want it, don’t read below.




Does this mean that Booger is the Big Bad next year?