REVIEW: LOST Series Finale

What a ride! After six years, it’s all over. It’s with an overall bittersweet feeling that we all say goodbye to LOST. Big Shiny Robot would like to thank all of you that made it out to the BSR! LOST Series Finale Event at Brewvies! It was a lot of fun for all us bots to watch the series finale with all of you and couldn’t imagine a better way to experience it.

The guy impersonating Hurley that was wearing a pink shirt did an awesome job hosting the event! – Slugtron

For our final review of LOST, we present you with a BSR! round table where all of us robots share our thoughts with you about the series finale of many of ours favorite show.

Arse-bot: I honestly don’t even know where to start. What a fantastic episode and finale to a great show. I am going to pass on the full recap this time because I can only assume if you are reading this, you are a fan of LOST and watched the season finale.

The acting in this episode was top-notch. I challenge you to find a better acted series out there, and for this finale, the cast pulled out all the stops. There was a huge portion of this finale devoted to all the survivors finding each other in the “alternate time line” and the reunions of these characters was heart-wrenching and beautiful; it was so entertaining to watch Sawyer find Juliet, Jack find Kate, and Sayid find Shannon.

On the island was bad ass. Jack and Smokey/Locke were done fucking around and went toe to toe for nearly the first 2/3 of the episode. Kate finally stopped crying and started shooting shit. Lapidus, Richard and Miles decided to get the hell off the island no matter what. And Desmond finally met his destiny.

Honestly, I wish I could sum this all up better than I am, but it’s hard to cram 2.5 hours of a series finale into a few paragraphs. I’m going to instead just share my thoughts on the end. Personally, I thought it was genius that this whole season, the “alternate time-line” was “heaven”/”purgatory”/”the after-life”. All of the Oceanic 815 survivors went through so much and for them to finally all find happiness -even if it was after their deaths- was great. I would be lying if I said I didn’t shed a few tears during the final moments when Christian Shephard explained to Jack that they were all dead, some have been dead for a while, some died long after Jack – but they were now all together because what they did on the island was the most important thing they did in their lives (but of course, I had to hold it all in or face the wrath of Proletaria-Tron and Mexicus Prime). I’m sure there are people out there unsatisfied with the ending, but I thought it was beautiful and honestly can’t think of a better way for them to have ended this series.

Who would have ever thought that the secret to the Lost island was that Stephen Spielberg was going to direct the last segment. – Slugtron

I have to give Lost credit. I didn’t expect it to have the courage to end without giving us any answers whatsoever. –Slugtron

Proletaria-tron: I sat next to Arse-Bot for the show and we constantly were turning to each other saying “that was bad ass” or “Jesus, they decided to be really funny for the last episode.” There were just so many great moments that I can’t even figure out what I liked best. I know that there wasn’t really anything that I didn’t like. It moved fast and hard and made me laugh and made me get misty eyed. Sayyid and Shannon coming together was just awesome, I’d completely forgotten they hooked up. Also Libby sitting with Hurley in the church plastered a grin on my face.

Weekend at Bernie’s 2 had a better ending –Slugtron

While I think it was a really great episode and tied things up nicely. There are so many things that ended up being completely pointless which I think proves that they NEVER had this planned out. The statue and all the other Egyptian things being what I think is the biggest indicator. Either that or they were just fucking with us.

I’m really at a loss. I feel like I need to sit down and watch it all again to really figure out how happy I am with the ending. It wrapped up peoples stories on the island but I’m really interested to find out what happened. Did Frank get the plane back? What did people think when they showed up? What happened to Richard? How did Hurley and the reformed Ben manage together on the Island? Also I definitely wanted to see Jacob and his brother sitting in some other place, loving or hating each other.

The other robots will be weighing in with their opinions later (Some robots just can’t handle their booze), so make sure to check back in.

Thanks Lost, for showing us seven and a half hours of heaven.- Slugtron

Swank-Mo-Tron – I think the answers to a lot of your questions were there, Proletariatron. Frank did get the plane back and all of those survivors led lives beyond that. The sideways universe was a holding ground until they could all meet in their due course to move on, but time there wasn’t like time in the real world, where the real island was. And the exchange between Ben and Hurley outside the church seems pretty clear to me that they managed the island for quite a while.

As for me, I’ve been mulling the ending in my head since last night and I feel like I got quite a bit out of it and the more I think on it, the more satisfied I become. One of the strength’s of LOST is that it has mysteries that we all sit and debate about and this final episode will be no different. A lot of the mysteries that we were hoping would be answered (Like the Black Box, or the why of Dogan and his crew in the temple, etc.) will forever be left for us to decide. And that’s fine with me. I felt quite a lot of direct Vonnegut references in the ending and I’d like to lay them on you guys and see what you guys think.

I think the survivors of Oceanic 815 on LOST is a perfect example of a Karass from Vonnegut’s “Cat’s Cradle”. A group of people who’s lives are inexplicably linked together for a fate and affect on each other they didn’t know was possible. Those we see at the church in the end are part of the Karass. Another big thing about the ending was that it was only the end of Jack. It was Jack’s journey from the moment he opened his eyes on the island, to the moment he closed them in the final shots. But there was so much left to happen that could fill seasons and seasons of shows afterwards, it ended like real life. With a giant ETC., like the one Vonnegut talks about in “Breakfast of Champions”. Though Jack’s story comes to a close, there are hints that Hurley and Ben have their own adventures, and Richard, Lapidas, Kate, Sawyer, and Claire have their own off the island and so on. Their lives go on beyond this and we are left to mull the possibilities of what they could be. But since time in the sideways universe doesn’t exist, and is some sort of cosmic weigh station before moving on, they can all be there in their prime where the most important time of their lives took place.

A lot of people said, “This was the easy ending, they should have thought of something better,” but I really think this was pretty much the only ending it could have. And the fact that they are in some kind of afterlife in the sideways universe doesn’t for one second discount any of the reality we experienced on the island, and it doesn’t explain the mysteries of it.

Sure there’s something spiritual or supernatural to it, but at it’s heart, LOST is what it always has been: unexplainable.

But that’s a good thing.

I was pretty intensely satisfied with this episode and this ending, and I’m glad they left me some mysteries to chew on. The episode was one of the best of the series and the ending gave me… pause. I think… It’s all really personal. I won’t be able to fault anyone for not liking it or not finding any meaning in it, but it’s like 2001: A Space Odyssey to me. You’ll come to your own personal understanding of it when you get to the end and it doesn’t matter what any body else thinks. If you can divine meaning from it, more power to you.

My single biggest regret in life is that I watched Lost. Coming in a close second… Making out with Angela Lansbury. (In my defense she told me she was still alive.) – Slugtron

Proletariatron: I think the idea that it was all just Jacks story is pretty awesome. It began and ended with him. And it was all VERY Vonnegut. I never really thought about that but it really seems like the took the idea of the Karass and ran with it.