REVIEW: Game of Thrones 1.3

Here is Gingerbot with her review of the third episode of Game of Thrones on HBO.

It is mere minutes after Episode 3 ends and I already want it to be next Sunday! I am especially excited for what is in store for Daenerys, she is my favorite character in the series, in the very near future. I won’t say anything and spoil it for anyone and I ask that if you comment in this (please leave me some comments though!) please do not spoil anything for anyone. Her journey is just starting and it is so full of twists and drama that I cannot wait to see played out on screen. So if you’re new to the series and you feel it’s slowing down just stick with it cause it’s about to get very good very soon I promise.

A few new faces were introduced and a few faces we’d seen already finally got a real introduction and some more screen time. Syrio Forel, Arya’s “dance instructor,” played by Miltos Yerolemou got some good screen time. While his speech, accent, and the way he moved fit the character I had in my mind he’s not physically what I had pictured. I went and did some searching online and I had remembered correctly and he is described as a man with a slight build and a bald head. The Syrio on screen is definitely not bald but what can ya do. It makes no difference really but I know some people will have a problem with the actor not matching the description of the character as closely as they can.

We’d already gotten a glimpse of Petyr Baelish or “Littlefinger” (Aiden Gillen) and Varys (Conleth Hill) but they got some better screen time in this episode. These two characters get very interesting and while they never seem to get billed as “main characters” they have a lot to do with a lot that goes on. Now I don’t know how big of a role they will get as the show continues but in the books you see a lot of them and I know they drag up a lot of mixed feelings but I love these guys. Not always for their actions or who they are but how they help the story along and how they seem to be everywhere. So keep your eye on them, they’re tricky.

I like watching with my mom who provides a fresh look on the show and I always ask if she has any comments or concerns to throw into this review and this week she said she only came away with more questions. Now some of these will be answered as the show progresses and were left open for
a reason but I will address one she had on here that will not include any spoilers it will simply clarify something. Jon Snow made it to Castle Black and has started his training for the Nights Watch. They’ve explained quite a bit but there are a few things they haven’t said yet or at least haven’t explained fully. The Night’s Watch is a brotherhood for life and those that join renounce old titles and leave behind their previous families. If you were a lord or a knight in your previous home at the Watch none of that matters you are now simply a Brother and any post you get you earn while you are there. They are also celibate once they take their vows and if they abandon their post and are caught the only option is death. Now that we saw in the first episode and I don’t think they ever came straight out and said if you abandon your post on the Night’s Watch you will be put to death. Anyway just thought I’d clear that up for anyone who was asking the same questions as my mom. If there’s anything like this you want clarified just comment on here and I’ll try to answer it.

Overall this episode was excellent. It’s beginning to pick up momentum in my opinion but it’s still in that setting the stage phase. I’ve heard a few complaints that it is moving too slowly but I have to stress the importance of introducing characters and places and letting the new viewers time to settle into the world of Westeros. So much happens in these stories and if you don’t know who’s who you’re going to get lost. In tracking down some of the actors names this time around I stumbled upon a new site that looks like it could be very helpful Westeros is associated with the TV series and it provides character lists, episode guides, a Wiki page, forums, photo galleries, and even some sample chapters from the book. And I got all that just by glancing at the home page and there is plenty more so go explore and learn more about the realm.