REVIEW: Channel 101 – January

Its a new year AND a brand new chapter in the life of one of my favorite sources of entertainment!

CHANNEL 101! Let’s not mince word anymore words and get into the reviews! BOOM!


This Erika Life

I’m incredibly disappointed that this show isn’t going on to an episode two. Of the month of January this is the first one I watched- and it set the bar rather high. If I were to criticize anything, it would be the fact that when she speaks so fast she loses parts of her words, BUT that just added to the endearing nature that is Erika Brooks Adickman. Her natural, yet obviously scripted view on life gave the feel of a modern day Blossom, except it wasn’t uncomfortable to watch… like… Blossom.

Part of what drew me into this piece is when she visits her parents, it took a scripted show and gave it the sense that this was ACTUALLY about a  real human person, created by an actual person’s thoughts, then just happened to be re-thought, written down and filmed, its a dynamic that really keeps the piece from becoming un-interesting by the end, and makes the viewer actually want to decide if she’s “dumb” or not.

Finishing Last

“Congratulations John!”… Best… Delivery… Ever.

Tightly written, and satisfyingly executed… Between this and The Erika Life- DAMN! It was a good month for failed pilots. My only criticism is that a few moments in the acting felt a little TOO dry- it was those little subtleties that don’t translate unless your sound is pristine… those performances that… on set look and sound right, but run a very high risk of coming across as bad acting if not properly captured visually AND audibly.

I was able to look past that though and enjoy a very intelligent comedy- which, was so well put together that I wanted to see what happened next, couldn’t WAIT to see where they were gonna take this………… but, instead… we get to see what happens next with the nipple… that talks…



The opening of this made me EL OH EL really hard… I’m as much a fan of the over the top satirical and self-aware humor these sort of stories are made with- but I think this is a case of execution not melding the way I normally would have expected… The Train’s over enthusiastic outlook on being a train was the most infectious part of the entire piece- as they very much play with over-characterization and über melodrama.

In the long and the short of it, it wasn’t my favorite piece- a slightly flat piece of cheesy, fervently paced fare.

Who knows, maybe its because I had just watched This Erika Life and Finishing Last and my mind-set wasn’t in the ways of your normal C101 offering… either way… It had its moments that made me chortle, and there’s always a special place in my heart for people playing multiple parts and having the only characteristic to tell them apart being a bad wig and mustache… if anything- it deserved a place in Prime Time over some speaking body parts.



I feel that self canceling here was the best idea they could go with. Not for any reason other than it was the perfect button on a very solid, satirical trilogy. The first thing I want to say about this show- is about the quality of animation, they absolutely outdid themselves for the finale. ABSOLUTELY.

I adore the social commentary of McBusters, especially this episode… the addition of a TV Commercial, the quality of the dialogue and sound recording, the script was planned and executed greatly, and that Morgan Spurlcok finally died a terrible and ironic death. The little salute to internet meme at the end… also… brilliant.

By the way, the background murmurings of the jury made me snort. I can’t even decide what else to say about this… so…


I said in my review of the last episode that pace lacked, something that was NOT the case for this episode, loved the flow of it… I also mentioned that Jim Klimek was a bit cartoonish- I’m happy to see how much they embraced that… hell- they had him juggling at one point!  The thing I liked most about this episode, is that it really showed how much they knew about their characters- it showed how much they cared.

All in all- its a show that very well could have remained in prime time… allowed to continue to grow… well, at least over the mamillan pieces that were actually put in it’s place.


Guy With a Talking Nipple #1

Up to this point in January’s cinematic journey- I’ve seen some incisive, beautifully refined standards being set at Channel 101.

Googy #1

I wanted this to be SOOOO much like Twigger’s Holiday that it made my cheeks numb! (You have to admit- it had a very twiggers feel… just not quite as energetic.) But, as much as I expected I would be disappoint if it wasn’t- when it proved to be an actual “kid’s show” (without the “edgy” twist), I wasn’t let down.

I enjoyed the hell out of it, I enjoyed that he doesn’t get out of jail or has to return the card because of a tickle song… best… child’s… lesson… ever… High production values, clever moments, classic throwbacks…and something pretty much, original. Deservedly has a spot in Prime-Time. Ultimately curious as to what they’re going to do next.

Gardening Warz #6

I’m over this show.

NO, it wasn’t “bad” per say- but, this concept has gone well past it’s prime (pardon the lame pun)- especially considering that in the failed pilots section this month there are TWO very engaging, well thought out, and very, whatever the word that means the opposite of “stale” episodes sitting in the wings begging- nay- NEEDING to be continued. You can feel it from the episode as well- Sure, I might be wrong, but I got the sense watching this episode that the guys making the show are just phoning it in and only continuing to make episodes because it keeps getting voted in. I think that they want it to end too so that their creative abilities can be put to use on something not already played out to its full extent.

That being said… at least it didn’t have a guy with a talking nipple.

Everything #13

Congratulations to the people who bring Everthing to life month after month for officially becoming Channel 101’s longest running show- and let me just say that after this month’s episode; may your show go on for many more months and make impossible for anyone to beat that record!

This month’s episode made for a perfect opportunity for me to hop up on my soap box for a bit- I just spent the past 2 weeks going to as many films and showcases during the Sundance Film Festival as my pocket book- and free time would allow- so this is where my brain has been for awhile… and every time I visit and re-visit Everything, I think to myself; Every one of these 30 second to 1 minute shorts is better than almost everything to come through the SFF… EVERYTHING!

So- why is it that the only place I can see this kind of quality on a website like C101? Why isn’t the most exclusive film festival in the world showcasing more artists like these guys?

If I may offer an answer- I think it goes back to my distaste for Guy With a Talking Nipple. Festivals like Sundance are looking to be exclusive, exclusive is the key word here… these festivals are designed to make artists feel like they are useless, worthless- UNLESS they’re accepted. Channel 101, in my eyes, is designed to just flat out find artists.

So what if I don’t agree with what makes it into the prime time- or what even makes it to the voting round, Channel 101 always remains true to one of my personal mantras… a theory I strive to live by in my daily life as a starving artistf… That art is objective, art is for everyone, and art should NEVER be exclusive.

I’ve never once question the independent nature of Channel 101, a question that plagues me daily during self-proclaimed “independent” film festivals like Sundance. Even though it has never claimed to be such- Channel 101 IS one of the last truly independent film festivals in the world. The fact that world wide celebrities participate from time to time in a Channel 101 submissions solidifies this for me- because I know that they are donating their time. They are not being paid or paying millions of dollars to be a part of the independent scene. Channel 101 just is what it is- and artists want to be a part of that because its a good thing- not because it’ll make them successful or popular.

ANYWAY- As you might have rightly guessed- I feel that this episode of Everything is one of THE best to date. ‘Nuff said.

The Parent Experiment #2

Since this was one of my favorites from last month- it was great to see how Brett Weiner kept the idea alive while keeping the execution fresh, it is absurd how into the role of “creator” his mother has become after just one episode, an episode she claims didn’t even make her laugh! As always- very well cast, and the “homage” to internet pornography is about as spot on as its gonna get… without becoming internet pornography.

All in all- TPE is a keen look into how all of us our developmentally different than our parents- but what’s next? When do we get to hear from his father? Grandparents? Maybe his boss? His mom’s ideas might start to blend into themselves and repeat… how does Mr. Weiner keep it fresh next month?

Personally I can’t wait to find out!