Reboot: Seasons 1&2 in Stores Tomorrow

We were able to get an advance copy of the new release from Shout Factory, the 90s 3D animated cartoon Reboot. This collection comes out tomorrow and has the first 23 episodes from the 47 episode series.

I remembered watching random episodes when it was running on cartoon network when I was teenager but I had never really gotten into it, so watching it now was an interesting experience. The first season made up of 13 episodes is very episodic, it introduces the mainframe, the world in which the character live in and some of the characters and major plot points of the show. But for the most part each of these 13 episodes stand alone and have no bearing on episodes after it.

The second season made up of 10 episodes begins to take the show into more extended story arcs and the show seems to shine even more once that starts to happen.

The impact of this show is incredible since it’s one of the first shows to be made of completely 3D animation. Knowing that, the animation is actually quite impressive and it makes sense was the first couple episodes are so episodic. Each episode you can tell that they learned from their mistakes and kept making better animation as time went on.

I was actually quite impressed with the story in Reboot, the first couple of episodes weren’t very good but once the show started to figure out what it wanted to do, it became actually quite good. The second season in particular is really fantastic programming and I’m now excited to get the last half of the series to see where they take it.

This is a must have for die-hards but I’d also recommend it for people who just remember seeing an episode or two.

Reboot: Seasons 1&2 is available on Amazon tomorrow for $20.99